Myeloid cell-targeted STAT3 inhibition sensitizes head and neck cancers to radiotherapy and T cell-mediated immunity

The tumor microenvironment affects the outcome of radiotherapy against head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). We recently found that tolerogenic myeloid cells accumulate in the circulation of HNSCC patients undergoing radiotherapy. Here, we analyzed tumor-containing lymph node biopsies collected from these patients. After 2 weeks of radiotherapy, we found an increase in tumor-associated macrophages […]

Why is STAT3 a great target for oncology?

Error minus asperiores facere soluta qui. Nam fugiat minima et dolorem Ut delectus id quod Deleniti non est eos. Provident dolor qui amet tempore deserunt. Nulla doloremque porro autem odit rerum Dolor nemo maiores veritatis. Molestias nulla quibusdam sed quam molestiae. Et voluptatem autem illo non reiciendis facilis sed. Ea amet ratione Enim et hic […]

How can we use the immune system to break through the tumor microenvironment?

Error minus asperiores facere soluta qui. Nam fugiat minima et dolorem Ut delectus id quod Deleniti non est eos. Provident dolor qui amet tempore deserunt. Nulla doloremque porro autem odit rerum Dolor nemo maiores veritatis. Molestias nulla quibusdam sed quam molestiae. Et voluptatem autem illo non reiciendis facilis sed. Ea amet ratione Enim et hic […]